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$75 in FREE Ground Beef!


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Nutritious Beef!

21 Day Dry-Aged!

BellMar Ranch & Gardens Beef is the ONLY beef for our family. The quality and convenience are second to none. We love visiting the ranch and how eager they are to show us around at what's going on at any time during the year. The products are premium quality, and so are the people!

Cynthia O
Lethbridge, AB

We buy beef, deli meats, chicken, and eggs from BellMar Ranch & Gardens, and we love that we just walk past the meat section at the grocery store. Their openness in the way they raise their animals and our ability to visit the ranch and have a look around means we don't choose any meats but BellMar Ranch & Garden meats.

Pearl P
Athabasca, AB

We're a busy young family and it seems like we're always on the go. I love grilling on the "Q" year round, but my wife really loves the convenience of their crockpot roast recipes and the quality of their meats to get the kids fed, and fed well. Their Website is convenient and easy to use and after a few clicks and a few days, my premium grass fed meat is at my door!

Brian T
St. Albert, AB