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BellMar Ranch and Gardens

Pastured Whole Chicken (Pick Up at the Ranch or in St. Albert) - Deposit Only

Pastured Whole Chicken (Pick Up at the Ranch or in St. Albert) - Deposit Only

Regular price $19.97 CAD
Regular price Sale price $19.97 CAD
Sale Sold out

Reservations open February 28th, and close April 11th, 2025 @ 11.59 pm!

Chicken delivery/pickup starts September 2025 - first ordered are first shipped.

Each chicken weighs anywhere from 4.5 to 7+ lbs

This is the initial deposit!  Your final amount due will be invoiced to you 7 days before chicken delivery. 

Why Pastured Chicken?

Whether you're cooking for your spouse, family, or a special guest – cooking a whole pasture raised chicken is one of the most delicious meals you can make – the natural and flavorful fats that you can only get from a pasture raised chicken add all sorts of depth and richness to any vegetables included in the roasting pan.

BellMar Ranch & Gardens Pasture Raised Corn & Soy Free Chicken

We raise our chickens (and all of our other animals) in a way that prioritizes quality over quantity, nutrition over cheapness, craft over assembly lines, and our health as top priority.

The method is quite simple - raise the chickens the way they were put on Earth to be raised, and their meat quality will reward us with delicious flavor and enhanced nutrition.

Ninety-nine percent of the chickens raised in Canada are in dark barns, fed GMO grains, given drugsdipped in chlorine, and kept behind closed doors from the public eye to see.

We only sell chicken raised the the best way possible – outdoors on fresh pasture, supplemented with NON GMO corn-free and soy-free grain, no antibiotics, no chlorine baths, and frozen and vacuum sealed at the peak of freshness. 

  • Pasture Raised - On real pasture - that's why pasture raised chicken is known to have more Omega 3's compared to organic barn-raised chickens, because they are eating grass/forage
  • Raised Outdoors - Grocery store chickens (even the organic ones) never see the outdoors 
  • Actually Free Range - Not crammed in a chicken barn “free range” like most “free range” chickens are (organic or conventional) 
  • Non GMO Fed (in addition to the grass and bugs they graze on) 
  • Humanely Raised - Our birds are raised in large mobile floorless pasture coops that get moved every day. They have the critical shade to withstand any hot Alberta days, and open tarps on the back that have the ability to roll down if a storm rolls through.  
  • Frozen & Packaged at the peak of freshness (no sticky chicken juice hitting your veggies in your grocery cart)  

Your Reservation is essential for us to get to work raising your chickens. It helps cover the labor, time, and upfront costs involved to raise chickens the right way. Because of this investment, the *Reservation is non-refundable* Thank you for making this system possible!

Chicken processing dates are TBD, but will be late August/early September 2025.


  • All butchering and processing fees
  • Chickens are professionally packaged and labeled.
  • Chickens are delivered frozen to preserve quality and flavour.
  • Our "Rancher's Word" 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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